Prepare Your Team for the Reality of XR

The importance of preparing your workforce for the future with Extended Reality (XR) as it integrates into your team’s training opportunities.

Healthcare professionals view heart surgery in Extended Reality (XR).

Is Your Team Ready?

Across the globe, different industries are adopting new technology to learn and work remotely, and there has never been a better time to implement XR into your learning and development training plan. But the question remains — is your team prepared to take advantage of XR’s potential?

On a technical level, your team will likely only need basic digital skills to engage with XR. But having the team readiness to embrace it is another thing. Awareness of XR’s advantages, industry-specific potential applications, a willingness to engage with XR, and belief in the efficacy of XR will require some realignment of traditional beliefs to leverage these technological shifts.

Make sure your team is ready to be at the forefront of this revolutionary approach. Let us tell you how.

Managing the Future of Your Team

XR’s integration in your organization involves embracing how it evolves your workforce training strategies. Your leadership team must be involved in implementing XR training strategies as they play a pivotal role in supporting your employees during a workplace process transformation.

Nurture Your Company Culture

As your organization establishes its vision, mission, and values; you add talented professionals who fit the culture you continue building each day. Implementing XR technology creates a shift in organizational goals, so it’s important to nurture your employees as they adapt to these new changes.

Involve Everyone

Adding new technology like XR could create concern for your team about their jobs being replaced. Two ways to address you team’s concerns include:

  1. Provide an open conversation about why the organization is adopting XR.
  2. Share the value XR will bring to “complement and augment the capabilities and productivity” of those using it.

Structure Your Teams Carefully

With everyone involved, now you need to determine how to balance the new skill sets to create high-performance teams. High-performing teams are often identified as having open yet direct communication, understanding of each other’s roles and belief in one another’s abilities towards achieving a common goal. Whether they are experienced or entry-level employees, your organization needs to continuously and carefully offer support to your team as you implement XR into the workplace environment.

Learn Together

Invest in providing your high-performing teams with opportunities for collaborative learning with the key information, training, and education on XR for the organization.

XR’s Potential by Industry

A better understanding of what your team needs in an XR environment is only one piece of the implementation process. Another is being aware of the applications of XR to your industry. To demonstrate the impact XR can have, let’s take a look at its potential applications by industry.

Healthcare and Wellness

  • Nursing students learn patient engagement and identify clinical readings.
  • Healthcare providers improve patient access to support.
  • Medical students/surgeons can access XR anatomical models for practice.
  • Physical therapy and fitness sessions are completed in a simulation for personal or social experience with community classes

Workplace Training and Education

  • Workplace employees engage in simulations which reflect real-life situations they would experience resulting in a rise of motivation, learning, and knowledge retention.
  • Workplace performance assessments simulated to identify employee support opportunities.
  • Classroom learning in education can immerse students from all classes and levels in an engaging environment led by the teacher such as the following:
    • English class – Watching Romeo and Juliet live at the Globe Theatre.
    • Astronomy class – Visiting planets across the solar system.
    • Biology class – Immerse in a cell’s mitosis journey.


XR Today’s latest insight of XR on Manufacturing suggests its impact:

  • Collaboration with colleagues from large distances to review, test equipment, and utilize materials.
  • Integration of XR into Smart Glasses making the shift from paper to digital seamless for workers.
  • Time between design and prototype modeling is reduced when tested in virtual XR simulations.

Global Impact

As XR technology continues to grow, so does its potential of integration into your industry. In addition to XR offering training benefits, PwC’s latest report on the key elements under XR’s umbrella for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are expected to support $1.5 trillion Global GDP boost potential by 2030.

What’s Next?

XR’s exciting and innovative impact has the potential to change the way your organization strives towards its goals. Proactive approaches to preparing your team as you adopt this transition will set your organization and employees up for success.

Have a question about how XR fits your organization? Connect with one of our experts today to learn more.

Be sure to keep an eye out for the final installment in our XR blog series!

Or read our Benefits of XR White Paper!