3 Reasons to Use eLearning for Healthcare Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment and Retention

Healthcare is serious business. Life and death decisions are part of the job. Busy healthcare executives know the importance of recruiting and retaining the best staff possible.

But healthcare recruitment and retention is easier said than done. The chronic shortage of qualified technicians, nurses, and doctors makes a difficult job even harder. Hiring and retaining experienced, motivated healthcare workers is an all-consuming task, particularly when demand outstrips supply.

As a healthcare executive, what do you do when anyone can work anywhere?

One of the most common tactics is to focus on salaries, benefits and bonuses. And yet, money is only part of the picture. Healthcare recruitment and retention requires strategic focus. The best healthcare recruitment and retention plans are holistic and all-encompassing with a genuine focus on personal development and career growth.

Bridging the Gap

eLearning can be part of any recruitment and retention plan. eLearning helps to bridge the gap between supply and demand by encouraging learner directed development to ensure your organization maintains a culture of positive growth. It encourages a culture of innovation and builds the kind of organization where people want to work.

  • eLearning supports personal development. A well-structured catalogue of eLearning courses gives your best employees control over their career. Course topics like how to better manage a meeting or what to do in case of a lockdown are excellent ways to empower your employees to manage their success.
  • eLearning encourages sharing. eLearning can be fully structured or totally self-directed. Because the course content is always available online, small teams often choose to challenge a course together. They share what they learn with others in the coffee room and around the water cooler. A culture of sharing leads to a culture of learning.
  • eLearning enhances innovation. Health care is changing rapidly. New ways of doing the job come out of nowhere. But how do you know which tool to choose? Since eLearning is often accomplished in private, it loosens the fear of failure. When your employees are free to fail, they are more likely to take calculated risks that lead to positive breakthroughs.

In healthcare, recruitment and retention is a matter of giving people want they want. Pay is only part of the picture. eLearning is an important part of a strategic approach to healthcare recruitment and retention, and contributes to an environment where people want to come to work every day.

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